Key Features

Zero Downpayment

With Okapi, install solar panels for your home with no upfront payment

Monthly Payment

Fixed monthly lease payments for up to 10 years

Instant Savings

With no upfront payment, real savings from day 1

Why Okapi Solar Leasing

With zero upfront costs, you can start saving on your energy bills right away. No more waiting years to see a return on your investment!



*All costs and savings figures are approximate and indicative only. Final cost numbers will depend on the proposed systems from our installer-partners. Savings will vary depending on system specifications, premise conditions, weather conditions, actual energy usage and other factors.

How it works


Engage Us

Register your interest with us here.



We will prepare a solar leasing proposal with our Installer-Partners for your consideration.



Full approval given upon finalization of system design.



Our Installer Partner will commence with the installation works.


Start Saving!

Upon completion, start saving immediately!


Monthly payments will vary depending on the size and total cost of the solar panel installation. Connect with us today to get a quote.

There is no upfront payment required for Okapi Leasing Plan. However, you may choose to make a downpayment if you would like to reduce your monthly payments.

No, there are absolutely no fees when you lease your solar panel installation with us.

Our standard lease tenure is 10 years.

Savings are estimated based on your historical TNB Bills, the energy generated by the solar panels and your monthly instalments. The solar panels are sized by our panel of expert installers to best reflect your energy needs and to give you the highest likelihood of saving money from day 1.

Connect with us at or you can reach out to any of our installer-partners here.

No, Okapi leasing is only for landed residential buildings.

Credit Card Okapi
Upfront payment None None
Payment Period Up to 5 years Up to 10 years
Credit Scoring Affects your credit score with CTOS and CCRIS Does not affect your credit scores
Finance Limit Up to your credit card limit No limit as long as monthly payment are less than your TNB Bill savings. Okapi Leasing does not consume your credit limits with any of your banking facilities.
Return on Investment Shorter tenure means higher monthly payments. Your return on investment may only start after a few years Immediate. Start saving the with zero downpayment from day 1

There is a minimum lock-in period of 3 years, after which you will be able to pay a pre-determined amount based on the schedule in your Okapi proposal

No, Okapi does not perform any scoping, installation or maintenance of the solar panel system. Our installer-partner will be performing all on-site works.

The warranty and maintenance terms will follow the terms which were provided by the installer who performed the solar panel installation. You may reach out directly to them for any issues arising from damage, defects, malfunction, maintenance and warranties.

Begin your savings journey and power your home with solar energy today!

Power Your Home With Beautiful Solar


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Copyright 2024 Okapi Solar © 2024. All Rights Reserved.